(Semsa Bilge)
Since 2012, Şemsa Bilge sells many international 3D models and sells 3D models, 3D print models, Stock Motion Graphics, Stock Music produced by its own efforts. It plans to sell thousands of products under its name Semsa Bilge through its own site. Do not forget to read the contents properly after purchasing the products. Our formats .max are suitable for 2013. All products formats .max(2013), .fbx, .obj. For other formats (very urgent) please contact us at Good shopping ...
Terms and Conditions
* Products are in .max 2013 format. Other formats are in .fbx, .obJ. You will not be requesting for other formats. If you want to use other formats in your very special jobs, send e-mail to Şemsa Bilge.
* Products can not be copied or reproduced, they can not be used except for the person / person who bought it, and they can not be sold by other people / persons in other places.
* The product can not be returned after it is purchased. If there is damage during the transfer in the files, please email the code of the product you purchased. Your file will pass smoothly.
* There is no refund for products. If the files are damaged or not opened, contact If you are not returned, you can return the product (s) within 30 days.